Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Not to Say

MoMs (Mothers of Multiples) are all too familiar with the stupid and/or thoughtless things people say. But it's not limited to us! Stupidity is everywhere and I witnessed a LOT of it last week at Cub Scout Day Camp. Here are just a few of the things other parents had to say to me:

(When introduced as their boy's leader for the week) "Wow, I wondered who would be stupid enough to be out here with them all week!"

(When assigned as my helper for one day) "This has been the worst day of my life! I am dying!" (yeah, that's kind of similar to the mother of one infant complaining to us of the stress, heh)

And the kicker: The last day was Family Day, and parents were supposed to spend the day at camp checking out what the boys had been doing. I had several parents come ouut but NOT ONE stayed for any length of time... "This heat is brutal! I'm going home to cool off, be back later!" was HOT, it was MISERABLE, but someone has to do it! We already discussed that it's not for everyone - but when the leader is standing in front of you sweating her ass off and wanting to go to the bathroom but there is no one to stay with the group because the other parents are a bunch of weenie-ass WUSSES, it's probably best to keep your mouth shut!

I am laughing as I type this so don't think I'm angry. It just goes to show that stupid comments are everywhere!

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