Friday, September 9, 2011

Checking in

I'm sorry I've been away from this blog for so long. Part of it is that I'm on Facebook, and it's so easy to just put up some pictures and a little update there. I miss really writing, though, so I am planning to get back to this.

Meanwhile, I've started a new blog. I didn't want to weigh this one down with cancer stuff and I thought it would be a good idea to write about the experience. I've been writing there since the very beginning, but just didn't give out the address. I guess I'm finally ready to give out that link, so if you're interested, click here. It's probably not that interesting, may contain TMI and more than a few rants, but it will let you know what's going on with me in that area, since I don't really plan to say much about that here!

I will say that I am doing very well and the treatment is much easier than I ever expected it to be. I am keeping up with the things in life that are important to me and best of all, keeping up with my awesome family! Thank you for all the prayers and please don't stop!

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